The Rainbow Therapy Practice offers both group and individual clinical supervision and reflective practice to NHS staff teams, teachers working with children with special needs, social workers, psychologists, counsellors and therapists. Phone and Skype supervision is also possible. Please get in touch to discuss further.
Furthermore, Dr Maria Hadji-Michael is an approved therapist for children with Tic Disorders and Tourette syndrome and offers supervision to professionals delivering Comprehensive Behavioural Therapies for Tics (CBIT).
Consultation & Training
We offer bespoke training on a range of mental health conditions, neurodevelopmental disorders and learning disabilities to schools, health professionals, corporate clients and charitable organisations. This might include how to recognise the signs of common mental health difficulties, helpful techniques that you can try such as anxiety management or mindfulness, and what to do if you are worried about your friends, family or other pupils. Training for schools can be tailored for pupils of any group or for staff. Please contact me to discuss your specific requirements around training.
We also offer consultation to health and social care professionals and teachers. Please be mindful to seek consent from an individual (or their legal guardian) prior to contacting the Practice and should they wish, discussion can be kept anonymous so as to protect their confidentiality.